NCJA Webinar New Victim Notification Established through Interstate Compact Offender Tracking System (ICOTS)

Tuesday Feb 18, 2014 - 06:00pm to 07:00pm EST
Event Description: 

Staying the course has produced results to ensure that crime victims whose offenders request to transfer under the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS) will be notified and have an opportunity to be heard.

The new nation-wide system using the framework of the National Commission Interstate Compact Offender Tracking System (ICOTS) links the offender to registered victims to ensure victims and their families are notified timely by email or phone of significant events regarding offender movement and compliance. Specifically, victims will receive the following notifications:

1. request to transfer and; request approval;
2. departure from the sending state;
3. arrival in the receiving state;
4. violations of conditions of supervision when an offender violates a condition of supervision that would be a revocable offense for the offender in the receiving state;
5. change of offender’s primary address;
6. return to the sending state (notice could be lifesaving for victims of domestic abuse and stalking if the perpetrator returns to the sending state where the victim may reside);
7. case closure, notices which are extremely important for the victim to be informed that the offender will no longer be under supervision; and
8. or learns the victim has relocated to another state and subsequently goes to that state after case closure

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