Field Wide Webinar: Transforming the Criminal Justice System with Peer Support

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023 - 02:00pm to 03:30pm EDT
Event Description: 

People with lived experience in the criminal justice system and with behavioral health conditions are being hired more frequently in a variety of criminal justice settings. This is not surprising given that research shows peer support specialists have helped lower recidivism risk for program participants, increase participant engagement with treatment, court obligations, and other services, and increase individual reports of empowerment, motivation, and hopefulness. This webinar included representatives from Winthrop, MA's CLEAR program, which consists of a network of Recovery Coaches, a clinical social worker, the Winthrop Police Department, the Winthrop Public Health Department, and community partners to help individuals through the early recovery process. The discussion addressed how people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) can be integrated into similar peer support roles, highlighting ideas and reflections from a peer support specialist with co-occurring mental health and IDD.

22 Cortlandt St. Floor 22
New york, NY 10007
United States
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