Training Areas

 BJA provides training and technical assistance services in the following areas:

NTTAC offers training and technical assistance is provided in a variety of formats:


Information Dissemination:

Technical Assistance:

Training Areas


 Adjudication: BJA provides resources, tools, and other support to help prosecutors, judges, and court personnel develop new approaches to adjudicate offenders to not only clear cases and decrease dockets, but to lower recidivism. This includes developing tools for holding offenders accountable as well as strategies for safely returning offenders to the community with the services and supervision needed to stop offending. This includes developing effective pre-trial services, creating alternatives to incarceration, and providing other assistance to help jurisdictions face the challenge of increased needs with limited resources. Request Adjudication Training.

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 Corrections: BJA supports efforts to supervise offenders, prepare them for their return to the community, and hold them accountable for their actions. BJA promotes police-community-corrections partnerships, supports offender reentry programs, and encourages partnerships to increase the safety of supervision officers while offering more services and better results than correctional institutions at a much lower cost. Request Corrections Training.

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 Counter-Terrorism: BJA works with all levels of government to help prevent, disrupt, and defeat terrorist acts before they occur. BJA recognizes that it is the job of law enforcement agencies and prosecutors to bring terrorists to justice and that every citizen can play a vital part in helping to prevent terrorism. BJA provides training and resources to prevent future tragedies. Request Counter-Terrorism Training.

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 Crime Prevention: BJA helps communities find the information, tools, and resources they need to work together to prevent crime. Supported activities may be general in nature, or they may focus on specific issues or community needs. Request Crime Prevention Training.

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 Information Sharing: BJA provides resources and assistance to help law enforcement and other justice system components overcome obstacles to sharing information—a significant issue that impacts the safety of Americans both directly and indirectly. Law enforcement and justice agencies—local, State, and Federal—must find ways to overcome these obstacles. Request Information Sharing Training.

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 Law Enforcement: BJA provides law enforcement agencies with the resources, training, and support they need to meet the needs of their communities. Because of the extraordinary new challenges that must be met with limited resources, BJA supports law enforcement efforts to prevent crime and build support for enforcement activities in their communities. Request Adjudication Training.

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 Mental Health: BJA supports programs to increase public safety through innovative cross-system collaboration for individuals with mental illness or concurrent mental health and substance abuse disorders who come into contact with the criminal justice system. Request Mental Health Training.

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 Substance Abuse: BJA supports efforts to plan, implement, and enhance strategies to address crime related to alcohol and substance abuse, including identifying, apprehending, and prosecuting individuals who illegally transport, distribute, and use alcohol and controlled substances. Strategies for preventing and reducing alcohol and substance abuse-related crime focus on prevention and treatment services. Request Substance Abuse Training.

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Training Formats


 Curriculum Development: NTTAC can assist with the development of curricula for training events and conferences. This can include adding a module or adapting an existing curriculum to a new audience, as well as incorporating instructional objectives, content, strategies, and evaluation methods into an existing training course or workshop. NTTAC can provide assistance with curriculum pilot testing and evaluation as well to insure its validity of a curriculum is considered an essential part of the development process. This modality does not include preparation of materials for a speech or a presentation at a meeting or conference. Request Curriculum Development Support.

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  Training Program: NTTAC can provide speakers, instructors, or trainers at criminal justice related workshops and training events. NTTAC also supports agenda development, speaker identification, and logistical support for training program planning processes. Request Training Program Support.

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 Distance Learning Training: In addition to developing training curricula that are offered on a scheduled basis in front of a live audience, NTTAC also supports the development of training and instruction that is either not done live, or is developed and recorded for a future date. Additionally, NTTAC has the knowledge and resources to produce sophisticated and engaging webinars for audiences across the nation and around the globe. Request Distance Learning Training.

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 Provision of Faculty: NTTAC can provide financial support for travel, lodging, and related expenses for consultants to present at a conference or to lead an instructional component at a training or workshop. This assistance is only available to agencies and organizations who are non BJA grantees. Request Provision of Faculty Support.

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 Training Scholarship: NTTAC can provide partial financial support for travel, lodging, and related expenses for an individual to attend a training class or workshop (not a conference). A limit of one individual per jurisdiction is eligible to attend any one particular training event. Cost sharing by the requesting agency is required for all scholarship assistance provided through NTTAC. If you are a BJA Grantee and are seeking assistance, you must first contact your BJA Grant Manager to determine whether you can use grant funds to attend the training class or workshop. Request a Training Scholarship.

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 Conference/Meetings: NTTAC can provide limited support for criminal justice related conferences and meetings. A conference is defined as a meeting of criminal justice practitioners, policymakers, and/or other interested persons that is at least one day in duration and includes multiple presentations by a variety of speakers. Conference support includes agenda development, speaker identification, and logistical support. Request Conference/Meeting Support.

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 Publication Development: NTTAC can develop documents and publications on criminal justice topics and/or program initiatives to enhance information and support for criminal justice practitioners, policymakers, and/or the general public. NTTAC also supports the development of materials, products, agendas, and substantive content for advisory groups, task forces, workshops, and conferences. This includes drafting, GPO editing, and printing support as needed using Federal reporting requirements and guidelines. Request Publication Development Support.

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 Publication Dissemination: NTTAC can assist criminal justice practitioners by conducting researching and disseminating information to the criminal justice community on a wide range of topics. This includes information relating to adjudication, corrections, counter-terrorism, crime prevention, forensic science, indigent defense, information sharing, law enforcement, mental health, substance abuse, and tribal justice to name a few. NTTAC can also assist by preparing reports and materials to disseminate through BJA’s Justice Today, ancillary websites, and other mechanisms. Publications are also be disseminated regularly through community outreach, responses to requests for information, reporting and marketing efforts, and posting on the website. Request Publication Dissemination Support.

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 Request for Information: The NTTAC help desk responds to inquiries that do not require lengthy or ongoing assistance that can be completed in less than one hour of cumulative staff effort. (These requests do not require a formal TTA request. Please contact NTTAC for more information.) Request Additional Information.

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 Focus/Advisory Group Meetin: NTTAC can provide consultants for and/or facilitate criminal justice related focus groups or outreach sessions. Focus groups are planned, facilitated meetings whose purpose is to gather information, exchange views, and provide guidance on a particular topic. Individuals participating have specific knowledge, experience, background, or expertise in the subject or issue under consideration. This assistance is only available to agencies and organizations that are non BJA grantees. Request Focus/Advisory Group Meeting Support.

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 Peer-to-Peer Visit: NTTAC supports peer-to-peer site visits and information exchange, which are designed to facilitate visits by individuals or teams from one jurisdiction to another in order to improve knowledge and understanding of a comparable program or operation. Upon completion of the visit, reports are prepared by the visiting individual or team in order to demonstrate the knowledge and lessons learned as well as the actions that will be taken as a result of the visit. Peer-to-peer information exchanges and mentoring can be done with an individual, a group, or an entire jurisdiction. Request Peer-to-Peer Visit Support.

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 On-Site Study: NTTAC can provide an outside perspective to study or examine operations or programs, interview staff, review records, and analyze policies, processes, and/or procedures in order to improve operations and outcomes within agencies and organizations. This is done with the support over 400 expert consultants. Upon completion of such a study, NTTAC prepares a report that offers suggestions and recommendations to improve or enhance program or agency operations. Request On-Site Study Support.

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 Other On-Site Services: NTTAC can also provide the services of staff or a consultant to assist a State or local agency, task force, committee, or planning group with their activities. Request Other On-Site Services.

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 Document Review: NTTAC can review or edit documents and reports to offer suggestions on ways to enhance content or format and to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the document in order to benefit the criminal justice community. Request Document Review Support.

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 Ofice-Based Technical Assistance: NTTAC offers office-based technical assistance in response to an inquiry that requires lengthy or ongoing assistance through multiple emails, phone calls, or other contacts that take longer than a cumulative total of one hour to complete. Such assistance may include a review of policies and procedures, examination of data, or development of written guidelines or plans to help a community develop effective resources to achieve greater community safety. Request Office-Based Technical Assistance.

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