
Using Community-Based Strategies to Drive Down Violent Crime: The DOJ Roadmap and How to Receive Free TTA

In recent years, communities across the country have experienced substantial increases in gun violence. While some cities have made progress in reducing these crimes, pressing concerns remain for residents, community and business leaders, law enforcement and city officials, prosecutors, public health providers, and more. In response to these concerns, the United States Department of Justice launched the Violent Crime Reduction Roadmap (Roadmap).

Field Wide Webinar: FY2023 JMHCP and C & P New Grantee Orientation Part 2: Budget, Grant Management, and Performance Measurement

In this orientation webinar, CSG Justice Center and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) staff provided newly awarded Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) and Connect & Protect grantees with an overview of BJA, the CSG Justice Center, the program budget, the JustGrants management system, and the performance measurement tool (PMT). Speakers included: Tammy Lovill, State Policy Advisor, JMHCP, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S.

Field Wide Webinar: FY23 JMHCP and Connect & Protect Orientation Webinar Part 2: Budget, Grant Management, and Performance Measurement

In this orientation webinar, CSG Justice Center and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) staff provided newly awarded Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) and Connect & Protect grantees with an overview of BJA, the CSG Justice Center, the program budget, the JustGrants management system, and the performance measurement tool (PMT). Speakers included: Tammy Lovill, State Policy Advisor, JMHCP, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice; Aja C.

Field Wide Webinar: FY23 JMHCP and Connect & Protect Orientation Webinar Part 1: Grant and Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Information

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) staff provided newly awarded grantees with an overview of BJA, the CSG Justice Center, behavioral health diversion and reentry strategies, the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP), Connect & Protect (C & P), and training and technical (TTA) assistance. Staff also gave critical context about people with behavioral health needs in the criminal justice system.

Field Wide Webinar: FY23 JMHCP and Connect & Protect Orientation Webinar Part 1: Grant and Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Information

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) staff provided newly awarded grantees with an overview of BJA, the CSG Justice Center, behavioral health diversion and reentry strategies, the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP), Connect & Protect (C & P), and training and technical (TTA) assistance. Staff also gave critical context about people with behavioral health needs in the criminal justice system.

Field Wide Webinar: FY23 JMHCP and Connect & Protect Orientation Webinar Part 2: Budget, Grant Management, and Performance Measurement

In this orientation webinar, CSG Justice Center and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) staff will provide newly awarded Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP) and Connect & Protect grantees with an overview of BJA, the CSG Justice Center, the program budget, the JustGrants management system, and the performance measurement tool (PMT). Speakers included: Tammy Lovill, State Policy Advisor, JMHCP, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S.

Field Wide Webinar: FY23 JMHCP and C & P New Grantee General Orientation Part 1: JMHCP and C & P Grant and TTA Overview

In this webinar, CSG Justice Center and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) staff provided newly awarded grantees with an overview of BJA, the CSG Justice Center, behavioral health diversion and reentry strategies, the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP), Connect & Protect (C & P), and training and technical (TTA) assistance. Staff also gave critical context about people with behavioral health needs in the criminal justice system.

Webinar: “COVID-19: The Return to Campus and the ‘New Normal’”

In partnership with the Collaborative Reform Initiate Technical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC) and the COPS Office, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) will host a webinar on July 28, 2020, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST on preparing for college and university students and faculty returning to campus.

Webinar - COVID-19: Managing the Stress of Uncertainty by Taking Care of You

The "COVID-19: Managing the Stress of Uncertainty by Taking Care of You" webinar will help policy makers and all disciplines of correctional staff provide training and technical assistance on effective management of employees and subsequent related stressors that can be caused by pandemic-type occurrences.

Champlain College Incorporated

Founded in 1878, Champlain College® is a small, not-for-profit, private college overlooking Lake Champlain and Burlington, Vermont, with additional campuses in Montreal, Canada, and Dublin, Ireland. Our career-driven approach to higher education prepares students for their professional life from their very first semester.

Champlain College educates adaptable thinkers, daring change-makers, and inclusive innovators who shape professions and inspire communities. 
