Fiscal management / funding strategies

Local Initiatives Support Corporation

The mission of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation is to support the neighborhood revitalization efforts of community groups by providing them with financing (e.g., grants, loans, and equity capital), technical and management assistance, training opportunities, and policy support.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • CVI in Schools: A New Approach to STOP School Violence
  • Building Capacity for Safer Communities
  • Building CVI Resources for a Stronger Field
  • Building Lasting Capacity for Violent Crime Reduction in Rural Communities

National District Attorney's Association

The National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) was formed in 1950 by local prosecutors to give a focal point to advance their causes and issues at the national level. NDAA representatives regularly meet with the Department of Justice, members of Congress, and other national associations to represent the views of prosecutors to influence federal and national policies and programs that affect law enforcement and prosecution.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • Creation of a Prosecution Research Collaborative to Address the Increase in Violent Crime through Prosecutorial Practices to Improve Public Safety and Build Trust

All Rise

The National Association of Drug Court Professionals is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation founded in 1994 by pioneers from the first 12 drug courts in the nation.

This extraordinary group of innovative judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and clinical professionals created a common sense approach to improving the justice system by using a combination of judicial monitoring and effective treatment to compel drug-using offenders to change their lives.

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • Adult Treatment Court Foundational Training
  • Adult Treatment Court Training Initiative
  • Veterans Treatment Court TTA Initiative

Center for Court Innovation

The Center for Court Innovation seeks to help create a more effective and humane justice system by designing and implementing operating programs, performing original research, and providing reformers around the world with the tools they need to launch new strategies.

Operating Programs

Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • Center for Court Innovation State-Based Adult Drug Court TTA
