Substance Abuse Prevention/Treatment Providers

Taking the Next Steps toward Integrated Recidivism Reduction and Treatment Planning for Individuals with Co-Occurring Disorders

This 2:00 p.m. ET webinar will discuss criminogenic risk and needs and behavioral health, as well as best practices for the integration of information about criminogenic risk, substance use, and mental disorders into treatment plans. Innovative programs, such as MISSION-Criminal Justice, will be highlighted as one example of a framework for behavioral health reentry programming that has aimed to address criminogenic risk factors with a behavioral health and trauma-informed lens.

Webinar: BJA and SAMHSA Wellness Court Funding Opportunities

This webinar will provide a brief overview of Tribal Healing to Wellness Court funding opportunities available within the FY 2016 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Drug Court Discretionary Program, the SAMHSA Grants to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Adult and Family Drug Courts (Short Title: SAMHSA Treatment Drug Courts), and the anticipated Joint BJA/SAMHSA Adult Drug Court Solicitation. This webinar focuses upon the application requirements of these grants. In addition, this webinar provides BJA Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program-specific grant writing tips, general grant writing tips, and other potential federal sources of funding. 

Tribal Track at the Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals' Conference

The Michigan Association of Treatment Court Professionals (MATCP), in cooperation with the Michigan Judicial Institute (MJI), is pleased to host a two day conference designed to meet the educational needs of anyone who works within the justice system and deals with defendants engaged in drug and alcohol abuse. Whether or not your jurisdiction has a drug treatment court, veteran's treatment court or mental health court, this conference will enhance your skills in dealing with the needs of substance abusing defendants/clients. This year, the conference will feature a Tribal Track, hosted by the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, including workshops on Enablement Prevention, Incorporating Culture and Tradition, and Confidentiality.

2016 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training

The 5th Annual Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training is a three-day comprehensive training for both operational Wellness Courts and courts in the planning stages. This training features dual tracks, ranging from legal issues, to treatment considerations, to strategies for better incorporating culture and tradition into the Healing to Wellness Court structure. Operational Wellness Courts will share their experiences and advice. There will also be opportunities for networking.

TCU Mapping-Enhanced Counseling (TMEC)

This 2:00 p.m. ET webinar will introduce you to TCU Mapping-Enhanced Counseling (TMEC) and show you some ideas about how to use it. The TCU/IBR Website ( contains the references, abstracts and other free downloadable manuals that will help you incorporate TMEC into your program. TMEC evolved from earlier work on graphic representation to improve the communication and thinking of teachers and students. The success of visual approaches, in particular node-link mapping, in education led to applications in counseling starting in 1989.

NADCP 21st Annual Conference -- Tribal Track 2015

The National Association of Drug Court Professionals Conference offers a wide menu of drug court training for courts across the country, and includes over 2,000 attendees. Of the conference's twenty different tracks, the "Tribal Track" offers workshops specifically catered to Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts and courts serving Native American populations. Additionally, prior to the conference, the Tribal Nations Forum offers a three-hour space for Healing to Wellness Court practitioners to meet and share experiences.

2015 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training

The 2015 Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Enhancement Training is a three-day comprehensive training covering topics relevant to tribal drug courts/healing to wellness courts, including adult, juvenile, and family models. All practitioners are warmly invited to attend. 

Mobilizing Federal Resources, Collaborating with Other BJA Grantees

As RSAT funding has shrunk, there are even less resources for even the most evidence-based, well run RSAT programs in prisons and jails. Therefore, it is in their interest to collaborate with other BJA funded programs where possible to mutually enhance their services. The Center for Court Innovation is the training/technical assistance provider for drug courts, whose services often dovetail with those of RSAT programs.

Implementation and Impact of the Evidence-based Correctional Program Checklist in California RSAT Projects

Assessing program effectiveness can be challenging. California is using the Evidence-based Correctional Program Checklist (CPC) to help local RSAT projects assess how closely their programs follow known principles of effective intervention. This information helps projects identify the strengths and weaknesses of their programs and provides recommendations for improving the integrity of a program and increasing effectiveness.

A Drug Policy for the 21st Century

ONDCP Deputy Director Leary and Dr. Campopiano will speak about the Obama Administration’s 21st Century approach to drug policy regarding opioid use disorders and overdose. With the alarming uptick in opioid overdose deaths and the high rate of overdose deaths among those reentering the community, this webinar will address the effect opioids have on the brain, the different types of medication assisted treatment (MAT), and the importance of having a comprehensive approach to opioid use disorders which includes MAT, overdose prevention, and continuity of care.
