
Social Network Analysis: An Innovative Tool to Maximize NIBIN Leads

Crime and violence are highly socially connected. As criminal justice practitioners continue to learn about the small percent of the population responsible for the majority of violence, they have to use data analysis tools to focus resources (prevention, intervention, and enforcement) on the small world of people at high risk for being involved in violence, either as offenders or victims. This webinar will examine how social network analysis (SNA) can be applied to criminal justice data to better understand the small world of violence.

Collecting Evidence from Online Social Media: Building a Cyber-OSINT Toolbox

There is a rapid evolution in the technologies people use to communicate and share material with each other, in the companies providing the sharing platforms, and in how people choose to communicate with each other. People are increasingly choosing to communicate using text, images, and videos rather than traditional electronic voice communications. And, they increasingly choose to use platforms that make this communication openly available for others to view.

Financial Crimes Against Seniors Part 2- Investigations and Resources

A collaborative project of the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) and the Elder Justice Initiative, this webinar is the second in a series of three webinars based on the NW3C Financial Crimes Against Seniors class, and will include:

  • Investigating the Crimes,
  • Resources for Investigators, and
  • Creating an Investigative Plan.

Presented by: Leann D. Pritt, CFE, NW3C

The Greying of America and Its Impact on Insurance Investigations

This presentation will address the rise in fraudulent insurance claims being placed by those in the “senior demographic” over the last several decades. The course will cover historical, sociological, and economic reasons for the rise in senior fraudsters. Special considerations for conducting claim investigations with this demographic, strategies for conducting interviews with seniors, and case studies of senior insurance scammers will be reviewed.

Presented by: Christina Fiscella, Investigator, Consultant, & Trainer, FCLS, P.I.  

Online Officer Safety: Protecting Yourself in Cyberspace

Police officers, crime analysts, and other criminal justice professionals are high-value targets for cyber criminals. Too often, they are also soft targets. This webinar will cover the fundamentals of securing wireless networks both at home and when traveling, understanding and controlling social media footprints, and securing digital devices. Many police officers have a personal and family security plan. In 2018, it is important for those plans to extend to the internet, how you connect to the internet, and the devices that are used to make those connections.

“Bio Hacking:” Brain-Based Interviewing, Communication, and Leadership

This webinar will provide attendees with a basic knowledge of Neuro Linguistic Programming and other cognitive techniques to aid in interviewing suspects, witnesses, and victims. This webinar will help individuals become more effective communicators and leaders, giving them greater insights into and understandings of how to get people to do what they need.

This webinar will be presented by John Pizzuro, Chief Executive Officer, John Pizzuro Speaking and Consulting.

Introduction to Cell Phone Call/Communication Detail Records

This presentation will provide an overview of cell phone call/communication detail records (CDRs) and will focus on historical records available from primary cell phone companies, including logs of phone calls, short message service text messages, and Internet activity. The overview will also provide a brief introduction to cell phone-created CDRs, which may be available from non-cell phone sources such as email providers, smart phone application providers, and non-cellular-based Internet service providers.

CI 121 - Cellular Records Analysis

This course is for officers, investigators, and analysts who encounter cell phone evidence that includes information external to the phone. Class concepts include instruction on how to request, read, and analyze call detail records from cellular providers, as well as how to plot cellular site locations to determine the approximate position of a suspect during a given period. No special hardware or software is required. However, this course focuses heavily on analysis; as such, a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Excel is highly recommended. Students are provided with a free copy of the National White Collar Crime Center's (NW3C) PerpHound tool, which assists in the plotting of call detail record locations.

CS 235 - Basic Network Intrusion Investigations (July - Aug 2018)

This course covers the skills and techniques involved in responding to a network security incident. The course focuses on the identification, extraction, and detailed examination of artifacts associated with network and intrusions. Memory analysis, host machine forensics, network traffic and log analysis, malware analysis, and virtual machine sandboxing are covered through lecture, discussion, and hands-on exercises. Additional topics include key cybersecurity concepts and issues, as well as the various classifications and types of network attacks.
