
IA105 Intelligence Writing and Briefing

This course covers basic intelligence writing and briefing principles as well as methods for effective and clear intelligence sharing. Topics covered include creative and critical thinking, critical reading skills, source evaluation, privacy and civil rights, intelligence writing style and structure, and generating and presenting intelligence briefings. With guidance from experienced experts, students gain hands-on experience by working through data sets based on real cases to produce intelligence products. Instructors and peers provide feedback on briefings and reports produced and presented in class.

*Foundational skills. Creative thinking. Critical thinking. Critical reading.
*Information sources. Identify sources of intelligence information. Evaluate sources for validity and reliability.
*Analytical reports. Develop a structured and actionable analytical report based on a data set given in class.
*Privacy considerations. Ensure protection of privacy and civil rights while producing intelligence products.
*Briefings. Construct and deliver an intelligence briefing based on a data set given in class.

FC201 Financial Records Investigative Skills

This course builds on the concepts introduced in FC101 (FIPS) and FC105 (FREA), introducing investigators and prosecutors to emerging issues in financial crime. Topics include money laundering, analyzing large financial data sets, conducting effective interviews, and managing large amounts of financial evidence. This course consists of a mix of lecture, discussion, and hands-on exercises. Students conduct a mock investigation that includes interviews, data analysis, and the examination of various documents.

*Money laundering. Methods of laundering money. Tracing illegal funds. Emerging issues. FinCEN.
*Spreadsheeting skills. Spreadsheet architecture. Formulas and calculations. Pivot tables.
*Working with financial data. Benfords law analysis. Disentangling commingled funds.
*Hands-on experience. Work a mock financial case as part of an investigative team.

FC200 Intermediate Level Spreadsheeting Skills: Assessing and Organizing Data

This intermediate spreadsheeting course uses Microsoft Excel to assess and organize data in an electronic format. The class is designed for learners who have experience using Excel and who want to increase their spreadsheeting knowledge and skills. Topics include text functions, absolute referencing, date and time functions, flash fill, handling formula errors, VLOOKUP, dynamic arrays, and data validation. The course combines live demonstrations, instructor-led exercises, and independent student exercises.

DF100 Basic Digital Forensic Analysis: Seizure

This course introduces the information and techniques law enforcement personnel need to safely and methodically collect and preserve digital evidence at a crime scene. Topics include recognizing potential sources of digital evidence; planning and executing a digital evidence-based seizure; and the preservation, packaging, documentation, and transfer of digital evidence.

*Prepare. Prepare to respond to an incident or crime scene where digital evidence may be present.
*Identify. Learn tow to identify relevant sources of digital evidence in an ever-evolving landscape.
*Collect. Learn the proper methods of digital evidence collection.
*Preserve. Build upon the three previous principles to ensure valid and legal preservation of digital evidence can occur.

CI102 Basic Cyber Investigations: Dark Web & Open Source Intelligence

This course provides expert guidance in the skills law enforcement officers need to conduct successful online investigations. Topics include IP addresses and domains, an overview of currently popular social media platforms, best practices for building an undercover profile, foundational knowledge related to the dark web, and the use of the dark web as an investigative tool. Instructors demonstrate both open-source and commercially-available investigative tools for social engineering, information gathering, and artifacts related to social media; as well as automated utilities to capture information and crawl websites.

*Internet basics. IP address assignment; resolving domains and IP addresses; networking overview.
*Popular sites. Facebook, Twitter, KiK Messenger, Snapchat, Instagram, tumblr, and more.
*The dark web. Surface, deep, and dark web; how data flows through the internet. Who uses the dark web and how?
*Tor. How to access Tor; how Tor traffic works; how a Tor Hidden Service works; installing and configuring the Tor Browser Bundle.

DF201 Intermediate Digital Forensic Analysis: Automated Forensic Tools

This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to perform a limited digital forensic examination, validate hardware and software tools, and effectively use digital forensic suites and specialized tools. The course begins with a detailed study of the digital forensic examination process, including documentation, case management, evidence handling, validation, and virtualization. Students learn to use today's leading commercial and open source digital forensic suites: Magnet Axiom, X-ways Forensic, and Autopsy. Instruction on each suite will include an interface overview, configuration, hashing, file signature analysis, keyword searching, data carving, bookmarking, and report creation.

*Digital forensic process. Evidence review; requests for examination; case management.
*Validation. Creation of validation images; validation testing.
*Effective tool usage. Tool interface; hashing; file signature analysis; data carving; searching; metadata; bookmarking.
*Reporting. General report structure; report templates; using tool-generated reports.

DF330 Advanced Digital Forensic Analysis: iOS & Android

This course provides the advanced skills and knowledge necessary to analyze data on iOS devices (iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad) and Android devices at an advanced level. Students use forensically-sound tools and techniques to analyze potential evidence, employing advanced techniques to uncover evidence potentially missed or misrepresented by commercial forensic tools. Topics include identifying potential threats to data stored on devices, available acquisition options, accessing locked devices, and the default folder structure. Core skills include analyzing artifacts such as device information, call history, voicemail, messages, web browser history, contacts, and photos. Instruction is provided on developing the hunt methodology for analyzing third party applications not supported by commercial forensic tools.

Mobile device hardware fundamentals. How mobile devices work, store data, and interact with a variety of networks.
Device handling. Properly preserving data for imaging and analysis. Identifying potential threats to data integrity.
Device acquisition and security. Acquisition options (physical, logical, device backups). Bypassing passcodes and properly defeating encrypted backups of iOS devices.
Advanced analysis techniques. Mounting images, partitioning scheme and default folder structure, types of artifacts (plists, SQLite databases, etc.).

DF205 Intermediate Digital Forensic Analysis: SQLite Primer

Mobile devices dominate the intake list, and the desks of most digital forensics analyst globally. Devices are becoming more secure, with an increase in security the need for detailed analysis is increasing as well. SQLite is a self-contained, serverless database engine. It is found on nearly every operating system and dominates iOS, Android, and macOS as one of the most prevalent and relevant data storage mechanisms. Rather than hope our forensic tools support the newest applications or be tethered to how a certain utility parses data we can arm ourselves with the skills and techniques needed to conquer the analysis of nearly any application.

What is SQLite and how to identify and analyze logically
Recognizing relevant locations of valuable data within SQLite database.
Develop skills needed for crafting custom SQLite queries.
Learn how to recognize and decode a variety of common timestamp formats.
Learn how to perform SQLite analysis with automation.

FC203 Financial Investigations: Beyond the Basics

This three-day course covers the fundamentals of financial investigations and incorporates some of the more advanced processes that elevate an investigation. During this course, students will learn about investigative processes, practical tools, and sources of information necessary to plan and conduct financial investigations. The course begins with a description of the basic composition of elements within illicit financial networks and how they work to compromise legitimate business and financial sectors. Course material will describe government, regulatory, and investigative actions within the United States, and by international partners to detect and investigate illicit actors and networks. The course also includes considerations for investigation planning and promotion of creative thinking.

DF205 Intermediate Digital Forensic Analysis: SQLite Primer

Mobile devices dominate the intake list, and the desks of most digital forensics analyst globally. Devices are becoming more secure, with an increase in security the need for detailed analysis is increasing as well. SQLite is a self-contained, serverless database engine. It is found on nearly every operating system and dominates iOS, Android, and macOS as one of the most prevalent and relevant data storage mechanisms. Rather than hope our forensic tools support the newest applications or be tethered to how a certain utility parses data we can arm ourselves with the skills and techniques needed to conquer the analysis of nearly any application.

What is SQLite and how to identify and analyze logically
Recognizing relevant locations of valuable data within SQLite database.
Develop skills needed for crafting custom SQLite queries.
Learn how to recognize and decode a variety of common timestamp formats.
Learn how to perform SQLite analysis with automation.
