NCJA Webinar - Juvenile Etiology and Typologies

This webinar will address two topics: the etiology of sexual offending by juveniles and typologies for juveniles who have committed sexual offenses. The etiological research that will be reviewed in this webinar addresses the causes or origins of juvenile sexual offending, and the pathways related to the development, onset, and maintenance of sexually abusive behavior in this population.

Please join the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) on June 1 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. ET for the “Juvenile Treatment” webinar. This webinar will review the scientific evidence on the effectiveness of treatment for juveniles who commit a sexual offense. The webinar will focus on what is scientifically known about the impact of treatment on recidivism and will present key findings from single studies of juvenile treatment effectiveness as well as from research that synthesizes the results of many juvenile treatment effectiveness studies.

Please join the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) webinar, What Do We Know About Sexual Offending and Sex Offender Management and Treatment? Internet Facilitated Sexual Offending, on Monday, April 20 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT.

NCJA Webinar - Evidence Based Policymaking: Lessons from the Field

Over the last decade, justice and human service agencies have been under growing pressure to demonstrate that interventions and programs are not only effective but provide a solid return on investment. With a mounting body of science that shows which interventions work; decision makers are increasingly focused on how to best integrate this knowledge into program interventions, management strategies and funding decisions.

NCJA Webinar - Register for Preparing to Return Home: Tribal and State Reentry Collaborations

Join the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) webinar, Preparing to Return Home: Tribal-State Reentry Collaborations, to explore two examples of how communities have collaborated to aid in the successful reentry of local tribal members. First, the webinar will highlight recent efforts by the U. S.

NCJA Webinar - What Do We Know About Sexual Offending and Sex Offender Management and Treatment? Internet Facilitated Sexual Offending

Join the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) webinar that will focus on what is known about internet-facilitated sexual offending, including recent research about the motivations and other psychological characteristics of internet offenders, differences between child pornography and solicitation offenders, history of contact offending, risk of recidivism, and an overview of intervention models.

Please join the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) webinar, The Evidence Behind Swift and Certain Sanctions, on Monday, November 10 at 3 p.m. EDT. The webinar will explore the effects of swift and certain sanctions and highlight one local and one statewide project that have substantially implemented the model as part of their community supervision strategies.

Procurement with Federal Grants: Understanding and Applying the Rules for Success

For most grantors and grantees, procurement can be the single most time-consuming administrative task in the lifecycle of grants management. And most grantee agencies rely on a procurement office to know, understand and apply the rules and regulations. However, to be successful administrators, we all need to know the federal guidelines and compliance requirements for procuring goods and services with grant money and how to train our subgrantee agencies on these same rules and regulations.
