law enforcement

Webinar: “How to Respond Effectively to People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System”

People with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) are an often overlooked population in the criminal justice system because of a lack of identification and understanding and service gaps that prevent providers’ abilities to address their needs. At the same time, they are also often victimized by people without I/DD, which can sometimes lead to sustained involvement with the criminal justice system.

Webinar: “COVID-19: The Return to Campus and the ‘New Normal’”

In partnership with the Collaborative Reform Initiate Technical Assistance Center (CRI-TAC) and the COPS Office, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) will host a webinar on July 28, 2020, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST on preparing for college and university students and faculty returning to campus.

Webinar: “Mid-Year Law Enforcement Fatalities Report: Keeping Officers’ Names Off the Wall”

Please join the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum for a presentation of the preliminary numbers of U.S. law enforcement fatalities from January–June 2020 as recorded by the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum. Reviewing and discussing this data will be a panel of law enforcement and officer safety and wellness experts including a pair of Destination Zero National Officer Safety and Wellness winners, a medical doctor discussing physical health and well-being, and a psychologist addressing mental health issues in policing.

Join the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum for their upcoming “Mid-Year Law Enforcement Fatalities Report: Keeping Officers’ Names off the Wall” webinar on July 14, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. ET. During this webinar, a panel of law enforcement, officer safety, wellness, medical, and mental health experts will review and discuss the preliminary numbers of law enforcement fatalities from January–June 2020 in the United States.

Webinar: “Secondary Trauma & Traumatic Stress: Behavioral Signs and Symptoms and How to Mitigate”

This webinar series will address secondary trauma and traumatic stress in order to help law enforcement, prosecutors, and other investigative personnel identify, reduce, and address the traumatic impact of their work in combating child sexual exploitation. 

The webinar series will detail how and why stress and trauma manifest, what signs and symptoms we should be looking out for as well as how to mitigate the effects by using everyday tools, techniques, and coping strategies. This webinar will focus on behavioral factors that can compound the response to trauma.

Webinar: “Connecting People Who Have Serious Mental Illness to Care: Trends and Strategies”

The Stepping Up initiative encourages counties to track data along Four Key Measures, including connecting people who have serious mental illness (SMI) to treatment and other services after discharge from jail. Communities across the country are looking for information on how to best facilitate connection to care for individuals with SMI. With the current expansion of telehealth, there is a need to discuss best approaches, other ways to connect to care, and to share tips and strategies from counties.

Join The Council of State Governments Justice Center for their upcoming “Connecting People Who Have Serious Mental Illness (SMI) to Care: Trends and Strategies” webinar on July 7, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. ET. As telehealth becomes increasingly popular, attendees will learn how The Stepping Up Initiative connects people with SMI to treatment programs and other services after being discharged from jail.

Join the National White Collar Crime Center for their upcoming “An Agency’s Cybersecurity and the Integrity of Digital Evidence” webinar on July 8, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. ET. During this webinar, attendees will examine law enforcement agency’s cybersecurity challenges resulting from threats faced by municipalities, counties, and state governments.
