Substance Abuse/Drugs

Selecting and Using Risk Assessment Tools in Problem-Solving Courts

The Justice Programs Office at American University will be conducting a webinar entitled, "Selecting and Using Risk Assessment Tools in Problem-Solving Courts," on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. ET.  This webinar will be presented by Dr. Sarah Desmarais, Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Applied Social and Community Psychology Program at North Carolina State University.

WRAP: A Problem-Solving Therapy for RSAT Clients with Co-Occurring Disorders

This 2:00 p.m. ET webinar will discuss an evidence-based program called Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). WRAP provides an example of a Problem-Solving Therapy (PST) that can help RSAT clients organize lists of wellness tools that help them feel better in response to mental health difficulties; it can also be utilized to prevent the onset of such difficulties. WRAP assists in the creation, in advance, of directives to guide clinicians and other supporters in how best to intervene when clients can’t act appropriately on their own behalf.

American Correctional Association

Vision Statement

The American Correctional Association shapes the future of corrections through strong, progressive leadership that brings together various voices and forges coalitions and partnerships to promote the concepts embodied in its Declaration of Principles.



The American Correctional Association provides a professional organization for all individuals and groups, both public and private that share a common goal of improving the justice system.



Active BJA Funded Project(s):

  • Improving Wellness Support for Institutional Corrections Employees
