Attend the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Virtual Listening Sessions to Set Priorities for Tribal Appropriations

Join the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) for a two-part virtual listening session “Setting Priorities for Tribal Appropriations” on Wednesday, March 13 and Tuesday, March 26. The sessions will help shape BJA’s current federal-tribal partnerships and grant-making priorities that address crucial and ongoing criminal justice needs. During the sessions, tribal stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide input on how funding can enhance tribal safety and security and discuss whether available training and technical assistance provides adequate support to build capacity and expertise within tribal justice systems.

View the following webinar sessions on the TTA Catalog to learn more and register:

  • Tribal Stakeholder Preparatory Session on Wednesday, March 13 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. During this session, BJA leadership and staff will discuss the purpose of BJA’s tribal listening session and share information that will help tribal stakeholders prepare for the March 26 Virtual Tribal Listening Session.
  • Virtual Tribal Listening Session on Tuesday, March 26, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET. During this session, BJA and tribal stakeholders will discuss how BJA can use its tribal assistance funds to support efforts related to comprehensive justice system planning, tribal justice facilities, court system enhancements, alcohol and substance abuse programs, civil and criminal legal assistance, alternatives to incarceration, addressing violent crime in tribal communities, and other tribal priorities.

BJA encourages the following stakeholders to attend: tribal leaders, tribal justice practitioners, grantees, evaluators/researchers, statisticians, tribal organizations, nonprofit organizations working on tribal issues, and representatives of federal, state, local, and tribal governments working on public safety in Indian Country, tribal communities, or native villages.

To help guide participation in the two online sessions, view the “BJA Tribal Listening Sessions Fiscal Year 2019 and Fiscal Year 2020 Tribal Funding Priorities” framing paper. Visit the U.S. Department of Justice’s Tribal Consultations and Advisory Groups web page and the BJA Tribal Listening Sessions web page for more information.