President Obama Announces New Actions to Promote Rehabilitation and Reintegration for the Formerly-Incarcerated

On Monday, November 2, President Barack Obama announced a series of actions to reduce the challenges and barriers that the formerly incarcerated confront in order to promote rehabilitation and reintegration. This interagency approach includes grants and policy changes from the Department of Education, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of Labor, and the Department of Justice (DOJ), among others.

Within DOJ, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) partnered with HUD to launch an $8.7 million demonstration grant to address homelessness and reduce recidivism among the justice-involved population. The Pay for Success (PFS) Permanent Supportive Housing Demonstration will test cost-effective ways to help persons cycling between the criminal justice and homeless service systems, while making new Permanent Supportive Housing available for the reentry population.

View the White House press release.

To learn more about how BJA NTTAC is supporting efforts to reduce recidivism, check out the TTA Spotlight article on the Fulton Project. Through BJA NTTAC, the Osborne Association received assistance from the Local Initiatives Support Corporation to transform a recently closed correctional facility into a site that provides workforce development, transitional housing, and reentry programs. Read the full article.