Join the June 9 NSA Webinar – Dealing with a Weak Bench: Building Your Leaders of Tomorrow Today

Please join the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) for the webinar, “Dealing with a Weak Bench: Building Your Leaders of Tomorrow Today” on Thursday, June 9, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET. This webinar will explore the organizational and interpersonal variables that contribute to the weakness of a workforce, and provide specific tools and strategies to use to strengthen the leaders on a team. Additionally, this webinar will review the importance of creating a formalized succession plan for organizations and how it can ensure a pipeline of strong leadership for the future.

The presenter for this webinar is Dr. Kimberly Miller, a licensed psychologist and law enforcement speaker, consultant, and trainer since 2004. Dr. Miller will provide attendees with the knowledge to effectively assist under-developed leaders, know the basics of succession planning, and have the strategies necessary to improve a workforce bench strength.

More information and register for the webinar.

View this webinar on the TTA Catalog.