Join the Advocates for Human Potential for a Webinar on Supporting Offender Reentry Through Tablet Technology
December 20, 2016
Register to join the Advocates for Human Potential’s (AHP) webinar “Supporting Offender Reentry Through Tablet Technology” on Wednesday, December 21 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. ET. During the webinar, presenters will review the Reentry Tablet Program at the Montgomery County, Maryland Correctional Facility and how it has created a new foundation for contemporary corrections by merging technology into reentry services and inmate programs within a maximum security setting. After the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Discuss challenges related to offender reentry and identify at least five evidence-based service strategies.
- Describe the Reentry Tablet Program and at least five benefits of using tablet technology to support offender reentry.
- Detail at least five considerations for tablet implementation.
- Identify at least five security features of tablet technology to meet standards within maximum security settings.