Human Trafficking

Thursday Jan 09, 2014 - 12:30pm to 07:30pm EST
Event Description: 

This one-day course is designed to introduce the crime of “Human Trafficking” know in the past as White Slavery. The course will provide the attendees with knowledge and awareness of what is Human Trafficking. At the end of the course the attendees will be able to identify a Human Trafficking case, a victim, a trafficker, a Human Trafficking operation and or Human Trafficking organization operating in their area of operation. The course will introduce the history of Human Trafficking, how to combat Human Trafficking and what prosecutorial elements required for a successful prosecution in a Human Trafficking investigation. The attendee will also know what questions to ask a suspected victim of Human Trafficking, how to identify a staging house where Human Trafficking victims are housed and how the trafficker controls a Human Trafficking victim, emotionally or physically. Attendees will also learn where to go for victim services and how to get help from Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and the benefits of combating Human Trafficking by using a Task Force Concept.
The learning objectives:
 Develop a basic knowledge of Human Trafficking
 History of Human Trafficking
 Human Trafficking-Domestic & International
 Creation of Federal Human Trafficking Acts
 Forms of Human Trafficking
 Today's Trafficking Patterns
 Why is it so hard to stop Human Trafficking
 Stages of Human Trafficking
 Identifying Human Traffickers
 Types of Human Trafficking Victims Domestic - Foreign
 Controlling Human Trafficking Victims
 Difficulty of identifying Human Trafficking Victims
 The Human Trafficking Victims world

Columbus Police Academy, 1000 North Hague Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43204 43204
United States
Event Cost Information
1-Day Course
Organizer Information
Event Organization: 
Sector Solutions Inc
Event POC: 
Brian Rankin