Council of State Governments
Founded in 1933, The Council of State Governments (CSG) is the nation’s only organization serving all three branches of state government. CSG is a region-based forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape public policy. This offers unparalleled international, national, and regional opportunities to network, develop leaders, collaborate, and create problem-solving partnerships. CSG's national headquarters is in Lexington, Kentucky.
Active BJA Funded Project(s):
Council of State Government Justice Center applying to provide training and technical assistance to states under the Justice Reinvestment Initiative FY24
CSG Justice Center to Lead National Demonstration of Integrated Treatment for People with Co-occurring Disorders in the Criminal Justice System
Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance Category 3: Heath and Housing
Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance Category 1: National Reentry Resource Center
Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance: Education and Employment
CSGJC helping communities nationally to adopt and scale evidence-based and data-driven approaches to ensure successful reentry for people with substance use disorders and other complex needs
CSGJC setting standards for, and improving of, corrections departments’ analytical capacity to enable more informed planning and decision making to improve prison operations
CSGJC to continue to build Justice Counts infrastructure and momentum and to support implementation for grantee states
CSGJC assisting law enforcement and behavioral health partners to design, develop & implement model response programs: Connect and Protect grantees and field
CSGJC providing training and technical assistance to JMHCP grantees to facilitate cross-system collaboration to increase access to mental health treatment, recovery supports, and needed services
CSGJC providing TTA to supervision and reentry agencies to improve evidence-based service and support provision, track outcomes, and use data and technology to improve reentry and supervision outcomes
Justice Reinvestment Initiative: State-level Training and Technical Assistance - Assisting Two States
Supporting Health, Home, and Family for Comprehensive Reentry
FY 19 Data-Led Governing
Innovations in Supervision Initiative - JC