TTA Catalog

BJA NTTAC's online TTA Catalog is a feature for BJA TTA providers to market upcoming webinars, training opportunities, and technical assistance to the justice community based on their needs and locations. The BJA NTTAC team also shares conferences, trainings, and events from across the field that may be of interest to the justice community. 

The “Training Catalog” tab lists webinars, training opportunities, and conferences, both upcoming and completed within the past year, while the “Event Calendar” displays these webinars, trainings, and conferences in a monthly calendar view. The “Upcoming Events” tab only displays upcoming webinars, training opportunities, and conferences. The “TTA Resources” tab displays technical assistance, defined as specialized guidance on a particular topic, tailored to a requesting agency; programs, defined as larger TTA programs offered by BJA TTA providers that have various offerings on a particular topic; and training. Lastly, the “BJA TTA Grantees” tab displays a list of current BJA TTA grantees.

The TTA Provider Directory is a list of active BJA TTA grantees and approved NTTAC TTA providers so that BJA staff, BJA TTA grantees, TTA providers, and criminal justice practitioners can quickly access key information to enhance collaboration and coordination.

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Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) is a professional association of chiefs and sheriffs representing the largest cities in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom (UK). MCCA membership is comprised of chiefs and sheriffs of the 66 largest law enforcement agencies in the United...

Margolis Healy is a professional services firm specializing in campus safety, security, and regulatory compliance for higher education and K-12. The firm provides their clients with a variety of specialized services that include, but are not limited to, campus safety and security assessments;...

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Measures for Justice (MFJ) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to flag and fix systemic problems in the lower criminal courts across the United States. Its mandate is two-fold:

  1. To devise and maintain a Justice Index that will gauge how well or poorly the courts are performing...
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The mission of the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children (National DEC) is to break the cycle of abuse and neglect by empowering practitioners who work to transform the lives of children and families living in drug environments. They provide training and technical assistance to state...

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The National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws (NAMSDL) is a resource for governors, state legislators, attorneys general, local prosecutors, drug and alcohol professionals, health professionals, community leaders, the recovering community and others striving for comprehensive and effective...

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The National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) is a national association comprised of tribal justice personnel and others devoted to supporting and strengthening tribal justice systems through education, information-sharing, and advocacy. NAICJA is a nonprofit corporation...

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The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) was founded in 1907 to help Attorneys General fulfill the responsibilities of their office and to assist in the delivery of high-quality legal services to the states and territorial jurisdictions. NAAG’s mission is: “To facilitate interaction...

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The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) is the preeminent organization in the United States advancing the mission of the nation's criminal defense lawyers to ensure justice and due process for persons accused of crime or other misconduct. 

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The National Association of State Chief Information Officers’ (NASCIO) mission is to foster government excellence through quality business practices, information management, and technology policy. Founded in 1969, NASCIO is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) association representing state chief information...

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The National Center for Policing Innovation serves as a powerful resource for public safety and communities nationwide, advancing public safety through the development and delivery of training (onsite and eLearning); consulting; technical assistance; program development, implementation, and...

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The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) helps courts improve the administration of justice and service to the public by offering quality products and services to meet both the current and future needs of the state court community. Through original research, consulting services, publications...

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The National Center for Victims of Crime (NCFVOC) is a nonprofit organization that advocates for victims' rights, trains professionals who work with victims, and serves as a trusted source of information on victims' issues. After more than 25 years, NCFVOC remains the most comprehensive national...

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Since 1975, NCSL has been the champion of state legislatures. We've helped states remain strong and independent by giving them the tools, information and resources to craft the best solutions to difficult problems. We've fought against unwarranted actions in Congress and saved states more than $...

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The National Correctional Industries Association is an international nonprofit professional association whose members represent all 50 state correctional industry agencies, federal prison industries, foreign correctional industry agencies, and city/county jail industry programs. Private sector...

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The National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) promotes just and equitable social systems for individuals, families, and communities through research, public policy, and practice. NCCD envisions a just society in which people are safe and supported in their communities and treated with...

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The National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) is the nation’s leader in crime prevention. NCPC is a private, nonprofit organization whose primary mission is to help people keep themselves, their families, and their communities safe from crime. NCPC manages a public education campaign—symbolized...

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The National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) works to promote a balanced approach to communities’ complex public safety, criminal, and juvenile justice system problems. The NCJA offers a number of different opportunities to enhance the professional development of state and local criminal and...

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The National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) was formed in 1950 by local prosecutors to give a focal point to advance their causes and issues at the national level. NDAA representatives regularly meet with the Department of Justice, members of Congress, and other national associations to...

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The United States Congress created the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation to lead a nationwide effort to remember America’s fallen firefighters. Since 1992, the tax-exempt, nonprofit foundation has developed and expanded programs to honor our fallen fire heroes and assist their families and...

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The National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation headquartered in Largo, Florida. Founded in 1995, the NFSTC provides quality forensic services including training, assessment, research, and technology assistance to the justice and forensic communities...

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The National Governors Association (NGA) is the bipartisan organization of the nation’s governors. Through NGA, governors share best practices, speak with a collective voice on national policy, and develop innovative solutions that improve state government and support the...

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