Juvenile Justice Agencies

What are the Top Digital Evidence Issues in 2024?

NW3C conducted listening sessions for BJA hosted by the Massachusetts Attorney General at the National Cyber Crime Conference in April 2024. Join us to review the comments of your colleagues from across the US as we posed a range of important questions regarding digital evidence, legal complexities, and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence.

Presented by:
Jim Emerson, Vice President, NW3C

NW3C does not share attendees personally identifiable information with any third party without opt-in consent given during registration.

Intelligence Analysis: Asked and Answered Cohort 2

Join experts from NW3C and the National Network of Fusion Centers as they provide thoughtful and detailed answers to the intelligence analysis questions you submit. In this session, our panel has a wealth of experience with managing intelligence analysts and intelligence projects. This panel will provide perspectives from large and smaller intelligence units at the local and state law enforcement levels.

Presented by:
Heaven Henwood, Lae Enforcement Analyst Supervisor, Philadelphia Police Dept.
Deepak Kukade, Itelligence Analyst, Minnesota Fusion Center
Randy Stickley, Lead Intelligence -Targeting Analyst, KACE Company
Trevor Knight, Production Managern District of Columbia Fusion Center

TIPS Cohort Calls

During this reporting period, there were three cohort calls for the Targeted Implementation and Planning Support (TIPS) juvenile project sites. Two were hosted by The Center for Children's Law and Policy (CCLP), one in January and one in February. The third was hosted by the PRC itself in June 2024. These calls provide an opportunity for site representatives to learn from one another and request assistance on challenges they may be facing. As particular issues arise, the facilitators provide information and resources to respond to issues of interest to participants.

Problem-Solving with Peers Discussion Series: Implementing PREA in Locally Operated Adult and Juvenile Confinement Facilities

These discussions are intended to provide opportunities for peer
engagement, idea generation, and discussions of innovative solutions
and practices related to achieving and maintaining compliance with the
PREA Standards.
Further, these sessions provide an important opportunity for the PRC
and the PREA Management Office (PMO), within Bureau of Justice
Assistance at the U.S. Department of Justice to more deeply understand
the unique PREA implementation challenges and strengths of smaller,

Crisis Communications: Navigating and Utilizing the Press

Today with the advent of Internet Press and social media, Press Outlets can get information, factual or not, out in a matter of seconds. Your investigation or incident can become viral, making it challenging to navigate. This webinar will go over some techniques on crisis communication and navigating the press. We will discuss how to make sound bites to the press advantageous to you and how to avoid getting trapped and used by the press. Ultimately, the press is unavoidable in certain instances and knowing what to say or not say can help you maneuver around them.

Presented by:
John Pizzuro, CEO and Co-founder, Raven

NW3C does not share webinar attendees personally identifiable information with any third party without opt-in consent given during registration

The content, views, and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the individual presenters and do not represent official policy, opinions, or view of NW3C.

NDCAC Resources for Law Enforcement in the Digital Age

The NDCAC is a national center established under the Department of Justice designed to help facilitate technical knowledge management, to foster the sharing of solutions and know-how among law enforcement agencies. Their mission is to strengthen law enforcements relationships with the communications industry, leverage/share the collective technical knowledge and resources of the law enforcement community, and address challenges posed to law enforcement by advanced communications services and technologies. This one-hour webinar will introduce you to the many resources available through the NDCAC to include technical solutions, training, investigative tools (social media search warrant parsers and open-source searches), and analytics.

This webinar is live only and will not be available on-demand

Presented by:
Christopher Tucker, Special Agent, Homeland Security Investigations

NW3C does not share webinar attendees' personally identifiable information with any third party without opt-in consent given during registration.

The content, views, and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the individual presenters and do not represent official policy, opinions, or view of NW3C

FC122 Intellectual Property Theft Training

This course introduces the problem of intellectual property theft and provides tools, techniques, and resources for investigating and prosecuting these crimes. A combination of lecture, discussion, and interactive exercises illustrates the potential dangers and economic repercussions of counterfeit products, as well as best practices and techniques for investigating IP theft. Students are provided with a state-specific folder that includes relevant statutes, sample organizational documents for IP investigations, and additional resources for investigators and prosecutors.

This course is presented in collaboration with the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG).
Awareness. Types of IP crimes. The criminals who commit these crimes. Impacts and dangers.
Investigation. Online and traditional techniques. Working with brand experts and the private sector. Large amounts of evidence. Resources.
Statutes. Prosecutorial theories. State-specific discussion.
Hands-on experience. Work with real counterfeit products. Identify fakes with expert guidance.

CI130 Basic Cyber Investigations: Cellular Records Analysis

This course is for officers, investigators, and analysts who encounter cell phone evidence that includes information external to the phone. Class concepts include instruction on how to request, read, and analyze call detail records from cellular providers; and how to plot cellular site locations to determine the approximate position of a suspect during a given period. No special hardware or software is required. However, this course focuses heavily on analysis; as such, a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Excel is highly recommended. Students are provided with a free copy of NW3Cs PerpHound tool, which assists in the plotting of call detail record locations.

*Cellular technology. Land-line and cellular networks. Types and generations of cell phones. Cell site design and its implications for law enforcement.
*Analysis of call detail records. Request information from service providers. Convert records into a useful format. *Merge two related spreadsheets. Read and analyze using filters, sorting, and pivot tables. Plot location information.
*Hands-on experience. Hands-on experience with NW3Cs free software tool PerpHound and Microsoft Excel to analyze various types of records that are available from cellular providers.
