Understand, recognize, and investigate cases involving child sex trafficking and exploitation. Learn the dynamics of trafficking and exploitation to improve skills related to interviewing the victim and interrogating the trafficker. Focus on the survivor’s perspective and changing perceptions regarding trafficking victims. Instruction will focus on:
- Tactical implementation designed to identify human trafficking and exploitation and conduct enforcement operations.
- The roles of non-profits, probation, and parole.
There is no fee to attend this training; however, pre-registration is required. Approval to attend this training is subject to the approval of the host agency as well as your qualifications submitted on your registration. The deadline to register is December 16, 2019. Registrations will still be accepted after this date based on your qualifications to attend and if seats are still available. Tuition, student materials, and instructional costs are provided by the AMBER Alert Training and Technical Assistance Program.
The following would benefit from this training:
- Court System Personnel
- Law Enforcement
- Prosecutors
- Victim Service Providers