problem-oriented policing

The Strategies for Policing Innovation (SPI) initiative released a problem-oriented policing (POP) guide titled “Understanding and Responding to Crime and Disorder Hot Spots.” SPI collaborated with the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing at Arizona University with support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to develop this guide.

The guide discusses the following:

•            Defining what crime hot spots are and discussing why they are important.

Webinar - The Top 10 Reasons to Start a Police Homeless Outreach Team

Un-arresting away homelessness in your community through the development of a homeless outreach team is one of the hottest trends in policing today. If your agency continues to struggle with more questions than answers about effective responses to homelessness, consider the top 10 reasons why you should start a homeless outreach team.

Homelessness is expensive. Each chronically homeless person on the streets of your community consumes up to $30,000 annually in public resources (such as jail stays and emergency room visits).