Drug Identification and Recognition

IASAP Drug ID Regional Minnesota

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance abuse is increasing in America. In a 2012 survey, approximately 23.9 million Americans reported using an illicit drug or abusing a prescription medication in the past month. This course was developed to meet the ever-increasing needs for professionals working in Indian Country to remain current on the most abused drugs in today's society. Participants will learn to recognize drug influence through a systematic approach using the 7-step drug recognition process.

IASAP Drug ID: Regional Arizona

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance abuse is increasing in America. In a 2012 survey, approximately 23.9 million Americans reported using an illicit drug or abusing a prescription medication in the past month. This course was developed to meet the ever-increasing needs for professionals working in Indian Country to remain current on the most abused drugs in today’s society. Participants will learn to recognize drug influence through a systematic approach using the 7-step drug recognition process.