community engagement

Webinar – Youth Homelessness and Juvenile Justice: Supporting Youth Across Systems

Nationally, an estimated 78 percent of young people who have experienced homelessness report that they have also had at least one interaction with law enforcement, while 44 percent have spent time in a jail or detention facility. Participants will learn about ways that communities can better support young people who find themselves at the intersections of youth homelessness and juvenile justice to ensure that youth do not have unnecessary contact with the juvenile justice system and that if they do come in contact with the justice system, that they exit to safe, stable, and secure housing.

Join Justice Clearinghouse for their webinar “Youth Homelessness and Juvenile Justice: Supporting Youth Across Systems” on February 20, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. ET. Studies show 78 percent of adolescents who have suffered from homelessness have also had at least one encounter with law enforcement. Of these young adults, 44 percent have found themselves in a jail or detention center.

Webinar - Fostering/Maximizing Your Organization’s Community Engagement

Many organizations confuse outreach with engagement or use the terms interchangeably. Learn about the stark differences between the two and, most importantly, how to maximize the return of investment with purposeful and meaningful engagement.

Webinar - An Approach to High Lethality Domestic Violence Offenders: The Accountability Court Model

In “An Approach to High Lethality Domestic Violence Offenders: The Accountability Court Model,” supervising officers, judges, and attorneys will be exposed to the important elements of risk assessment, monitoring, communication, and community stakeholders in the function of supervising high-lethality offenders in a high-lethality accountability court or on a specialized domestic violence high-risk caseload.

Course objectives include:

The National Police Foundation recently published its Police Data Initiative: Best Practices Guide (5-Part Series) – a resource for executives and members of local law enforcement agencies responsible for developing and releasing open data. Using real-world examples, the guide provides best practices on how to:

The Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Policing recognizes individual state, local, or tribal sworn, rank-and-file police officers and deputies for their exceptional efforts in effective community policing. Eligible candidates are officers and deputies in nonsupervisory positions that have demonstrated exceptional performance in one of three areas:

The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) awarded more than $47 million in grant funding to investigate and prosecute human trafficking; support experienced providers in offering victim services; and strengthen community response to the sexual exploitation and forced labor of victims.

The grants were awarded under nine OJP fiscal year 2017 programs, including:

Join the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) on Wednesday, October 4 to recognize National Coffee with a Cop Day. The Hawthorne, California Police Department designed and spearheaded this innovative program in 2011 with a simple goal: encourage community residents and law enforcement officers to casually interact, breaking down barriers to addressing crime and public safety.
